By Lindie Whiz,, 02.09.2009
Governor Jason Machaya led a delegation of police officers and journalists to the Maboleni area in Lower Gweru, under Chief Sogwala, to see the “creature” which died within hours.
“The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat,” Governor Machaya told the Chronicle newspaper.
Machaya said he believed a local man had “lost self control” and had sex with the goat.
“This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing,” the governor said. “It is really embarrassing. It’s self-evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control.”
The Chronicle said “the creature had a human head, face, nose, shoulders and human-like skin that had very scanty furs. It had goat features from the ‘shoulders’ to the legs.”
Its “sagging stomach”, the paper said, “prevented curious villagers from determining whether it had human or animal sex organs as it protruded covering the front part.”
“Villagers said the end product was so scary that even dogs were afraid to move close to the goat,” the paper’s Midlands correspondent wrote after a trip to Maboleni with the governor.
A villager, Themba Moyo, said the “creature” was “a miracle that has never been witnessed anywhere”.
The goat’s owner, a Mr Nyoni, said he called the police and village elders after his shock find.
Nyoni has 15 goats and says the animal that gave birth to the bizarre creature “is the mother of most of my herd”.
“It’s the first time that my goat has done this. My goats often give birth to sets of twins,” he added.
Chief Sogwala has summoned villagers to a meeting, and fears the incident is a “bad omen”.
The chief advised Nyoni to seek the help of a sangoma “in search of answers to this bizarre incident”.
Govenor Machaya said it was a “disgrace that a man can stoop so low opting for animal company in a world full of women.”
He added: “We often hear cases of human beings who commit bestiality but this is the first time for such an act to produce a product with human features.”
The governor said he would lead a campaign for harsh sentences for people who abuse animals.
He added: “Our people should be taught that such acts are bad, they are evil. God created men differently from animals. As men, we have women who really love us. They even outnumber us by more than 52 percent I think.
“It is my prayer that whoever did this should be punished severely, if caught, so that we discourage others who may think of committing similar crimes.”
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